Sunday, August 18, 2013

Reaching for the Sky

As the whale breaches toward the sky
His massive bulk extended,
Could it be he secretly wants to fly,
As the ruler of the deep he's not contented?

We all think of whales as gentle giants,
Contented with their lot,
Being strong, impressive and reliant,
But what, my friend, if they are not?

Perhaps they have dreams of better things,
Like us, some long to fly,
So they, with their fins, pray for wings,
And make valiant efforts toward the sky.

Theresa Snyder
- 1994 -


  1. You know...Maybe that's why they cry out to each other.
    Lovely poem my friend❤️


  2. I love the idea of whales reaching for the sky, brilliant and speaking of our hearts!

  3. Ah,the humpback. My favorite! I've watched them often as they splashed cold, salty water onto the deck and I've thought of them in the same way. Love the poem! Bravo!
