Saturday, September 7, 2013


The waves flatten as they curl toward the shore.The small orange buoy bobs in and out of view beyond the surf line.

The sky stretches out endlessly above the sea, blue with wispy feather-like clouds. The white is just enough to make the blue seem that much brighter.

The early raisers amble slowly with head down, pushing at possible 'finds' in the sand with their toes. On occasion a particularly eye catching object will tempt them to stoop and examine it more closely. Perhaps this one is interesting enough to place on the mantel of the beach house, or in the basket of treasures back home.

The beach dogs bound and race, barking at their masters, the waves, the glory of the morning. In the city they would snarl and nip at each other, here they merely pass. The wonder of the place, the limitless space, frees them from their territorial boundaries.

I sit on the dune before the house. My legs curled beneath me. Last night, I kept this same vigil as I watched the full moon make its own gift of sparkling jewels upon the ocean's surface. Watched the moon and the sea turn the world into a magical place where one could imagine sleeping dragons beneath the dunes and 'Aires Above the Water' performed by schools of talented porpoise and whales - their wet backs glistening in the moonlight.

Now the sun has replaced the moon. The early morning breeze cools my cheeks, caressing them gently.

It's really too early for the sand to be warm, but nonetheless, I slip off my shoes and socks and wiggle my toes into the sand with inner satisfaction.

This is heaven. This is what we are born for - live for. These small microcosms of time when, for a few minutes, everything in life seems perfect. My soul breathes in the perfection of the moment. I relax gently into the day and smile.

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