Thursday, June 16, 2016

Book Trailers using Photo Story 3 and Free StockMusic

Greetings all my author friends:

Recently, I was asked by a promoter if I could supply a book trailer for the "Shifting Books" in my Twin Cities Series.

I didn't have one and did not have a clue as to how to build one. So I went to our friend Mr. Google and found the program referenced above Photo Story 3. Once I showed the finished product to some friends one suggested the other program listed; Free StockMusic.

Together these two programs made two nice trailers, but you be the judge:



The first was made with the music supplied with the program.
The second with the 'Action Hero' music from the Free StockMusic site.

I do not consider myself a 'techie' person, so I think you all could use it. I have already passed it on to a few author friends and one just completed making her own. I have to find out how she managed to get a background behind her images that moves and morphs like ocean waves.

Here is the Photo Story 3 Tutorial I watched before I downloaded the program. Simple huh?

My advice? Get on the programs and play. Fun, and I think, lovely results. I will get better with practice.

My best to you all!


  1. A cracking good resource, Theresa! I'm so grateful to you for sharing this - thank you :)

    1. Pleased I could help you for a change. Thanks for all you do :)

  2. Theresa, Thanks for sharing this! I think you've developed another true talent, making trailers.

  3. Thanks for telling us about this Theresa! I love your videos, and think they are better than mine. :-)
    I'm going to look into Photo story. I think it will help me create videos as I go. :-) :-) :-)

  4. Thanks Theresa, will share your blog!
